NEMT Passenger Eligibility Requirements

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Who Qualifies for NEMT?

According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS), a Medicaid beneficiary who meets specific eligibility criteria may have the option to get a ride through NEMT. Eligibility specifications vary from state to state and patient to patient, so it’s a good idea to get in touch with a Medicaid representative to verify your eligibility and coverage. If you fall into one or more of these categories, you may be able to get a ride through Medicaid:

  • You don’t have a working vehicle or valid driver’s license 
  • You have a cognitive or physical impairment 
  • You’re unable to travel or wait for a ride alone 

If you still aren’t sure whether or not you fall into these categories, or could be a separate exception, it’s best to contact Medicaid directly and explain your situation. 

How do You Get a Ride?

How do you get a ride

Once a passenger’s eligibility is confirmed, it’s time to get a ride. If you’re getting a ride through Medicaid, and you’ve already been in contact with someone at Medicaid, they can direct you toward a broker in an area to book your ride. Otherwise, it’s as easy as throwing out a Google search for “brokers in my area,” and a number of results should appear. When you book your appointment, you’ll be asked a series of questions to help the NEMT provider determine what vehicle is best for your specific situation. Passengers may end up in a wheelchair van, stretcher van, or even a taxi depending on what vehicle the provider sees as the most fit. 

RouteGenie is at Your Service 

NEMT providers who use non-emergency medical transportation software to handle their trips see a much higher success rate than those who do so manually. If you’re a provider who’s ready to improve your operation, book your free demo with the team at RouteGenie today! 

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